Jeff Bezos offloads $2 billion worth of Amazon shares.

Jeff Bezos, the visionary behind Amazon and renowned as one of the wealthiest individuals globally, recently executed a substantial move in the financial realm. He opted to part ways with a significant portion of his Amazon shares, totaling a staggering 12 million, fetching a handsome sum of $2 billion, which roughly translates to a staggering […]

What implications does it hold globally as temperatures rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius consistently over the course of a full year for the first time?

For the first time ever, global warming has surpassed the 1.5°C threshold over an entire year, as reported by the European Union’s climate service. In 2015, global leaders committed to limiting long-term temperature rises to 1.5°C, a goal deemed vital to mitigate the most detrimental effects of climate change. Although this year-long breach doesn’t nullify […]

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